Here are some tips to help you get the most out of this software:
1 slide = a powerful message
We all know the expression “a picture is worth a thousand words”. At Simaje Emeakom we say the same about data. Good infographics and layout are better than a long speech. Although the storytelling must be good, the presentation must grab the audience’s attention… and keep it! To do this, adopt the 1/3 :2/3 rule : compose your slides with a maximum of 1/3 text and for the other 2/3rds pay close attention to the design: from the aesthetics to the structure of the information, from the harmony within the elements to their illustration. Think images, pictograms, smart art, tables, infographics.
Tell a story
How do you engage your audience? By telling a story! So, before embarking on the design of your presentation, design your speech according to the story you are going to tell, as follows:
– with an introduction = setting the scene
– building a plot = to arouse the interest of your audience, even if it means providing real-life anecdotes (examples?) illustrated by an image rather than by text
– an ending = reach your conclusion with the key message you want to them to retain in their minds. Nothing more.
Be creative, get out of your comfort zone, stay focused, breathe and … enjoy !
Don’t leave room for improvisation
Preparation and consistency are the keywords here… Start your preparation as early as possible, make a plan and… stick to it! Unless you are a gifted advocate or a formidable orator, which will enable you to go off-script, make sure your foundations are solid, you will be all the stronger for it.